Press Start Leadership Podcast
Welcome to the Press Start Leadership Podcast, your ultimate guide to unlocking your leadership potential in the dynamic world of the video game industry. Join me, Christopher Mifsud, a seasoned industry professional with two decades of experience leading and nurturing teams for renowned digital creative companies worldwide.
This podcast is your secret weapon in an industry that often promotes talented individuals without providing the necessary leadership training. Drawing from my personal experiences and dedicated investment in top-tier coaches and programs, I've successfully bridged the gap in leadership development. I'm excited to share these invaluable insights with a broader audience, empowering you in the video game industry.
Whether you're a video game industry pro or aspiring to lead a creative product and development team, this show is designed to help you maximize your team's potential and embrace your role as a visionary leader. Together, we'll explore proven strategies, industry trends, and personal anecdotes that will give you the competitive edge you need.
Are you ready to level up your leadership skills and excel in the vibrant world of video game development? Join us on the Press Start Leadership Podcast and let's begin this transformative journey. Just Press Start!
Press Start Leadership Podcast
The Secret to Being a Voice for the Voiceless
Tell us what you thought of the episode and any topics you would like us to cover!
On this week's episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, we discuss:
The Secret to Being a Voice for the Voiceless
Link to my FREE ebook: 5 Heroic Leadership Skills
Music by: Joey the Mad Scientist
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Wishlist Shadow City Mysteries: A Clockwork Noir on Steam!
Pre-Order Shadow City Mysteries: The Roleplaying Game on Backerkit!
Link to my FREE ebook: 5 Heroic Leadership Skills
Music by: Joey the Mad Scientist
Hit subscribe/follow and be sure to check out: https://pressstartleadership.com/
Hi there real quick before we jump into the episode, if you enjoy this episode, or any of the other episodes, be sure to give us a follow or subscribe. It would also be great if you shared it with a friend or better yet left a review so others can know how awesome it is. Thanks so much and now the Episode
Joey The Mad Scientist:Hey there press starters and welcome to the press Start leadership Podcast, the podcast about game changing leadership teaching you how to get the most out of your product and development team and become the leader you are meant to be leadership coaching and training for the international game industry professional. Now let me introduce you to your host, the man the myth, the legend, Christopher Mifsud.
Christopher Mifsud:Hey there, press starters. Welcome back to another episode of The Press Start leadership podcast. On this week's episode, we'll be discussing the secret to being a voice for the voiceless. Be a voice for the voiceless, using your leadership powers for good. If you're a leader in any capacity, one of your key responsibilities is taking care of people in your charge. This encompasses many duties, but one of them should be giving a voice to the voiceless. To many people through under representation or systemic oppression, have not been allowed to voice and have not been truly heard. If you're in a position of leadership, people listen to you and you have influence you can use to help others make the choice to lift up marginalized voices around you. Here are six ways you can help give voice to others. Number one, create a safe environment to speak up. encourage folks from marginalized groups to speak up and speak more. Say, tell me more about it. Then actively listen. Also, don't let any bad apples discourage people from speaking up. Number two, don't speak for them. Instead of paraphrasing, or assuming let people speak for themselves. If you're in a private conversation, and someone has a good idea, ask them to share it more broadly. Here's a one up. Don't put anyone on the spot. Instead, give them notice so they can prepare. Or if you don't use someone's ideas. Explain why. Number three, give credit where credit's due. Someone isn't comfortable sharing with the group, make sure the ideas still communicated, and give them credit. Alternatively, if you're dealing with a tougher crowd, you can wait until the room has buy in, then reveal whose idea was but this tactic is less ideal. Number four, validate what they say. You don't have to agree with everything that is said. But you do have to respect the value of other people's opinions. Your team looks to you to model expected behavior. So show respect. Number five, use your power. If you're in the room, make sure other people are listening. Also be mindful of your language. Don't undermine anyone. And be careful about using humor as things can easily take a wrong turn. And lastly, number six, stay humble. Your experience is no more important than someone else's. So check your own personal bias. bring in outside sources to keep your biases in check as well. The bottom line is what people from different backgrounds say matters. So listen. It's not their responsibility to change your mind. But it is up to you to understand where people are coming from. Anyone that comes from a marginalized group constantly has to explain why what they think is valid. While people of privilege almost never have to defend what they think it's really should be the other way around. So do your part in making the change. That's this week's episode of press Start leadership podcast. Thanks for tuning in. And as always, thanks for being awesome. Give us a follow, like, share, and even review if you feel like it. We'd really appreciate it. Cheers. If you haven't downloaded my free ebook, five growth leadership skills, click on them link in the description. Tune in next week for your next episode of press star leadership podcast thank you oh, hi, and the episodes over, but thanks for sticking around till the end. Be sure to check out more episodes in the playlist and new episodes every week on Monday. Follow or subscribe so you never miss an episode. Don't forget to leave a review. Thanks again for being awesome.