Press Start Leadership Podcast

The Incredible Leadership Potential of Gamers Revealed

Press Start Leadership Season 1 Episode 105

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What if the countless hours you've spent gaming could position you as a leader in the very industry creating these games? It's time to level up, not just in your favorite RPG, but in the real world of the gaming industry. This week's podcast uncovers the leadership potential hidden within every gamer. It's not just about racking up high scores; we're talking about honing invaluable skills - strategic thinking, teamwork, resilience, and empathy. 

Get ready to move from the virtual gaming battlegrounds to the challenging terrain of the video game industry. We discuss how planning your moves in games like Final Fantasy equates to strategic planning essential for managing budgets and project timelines. We explore how team dynamics in games like Overwatch can help foster a collaborative environment within a diverse industry like game development. Dive into the resilience every gamer builds facing the 'game over' screen and how this can guide a team through development challenges. Lastly, we'll highlight the role of empathy, both in understanding players better and managing your team effectively. So, whether you're a seasoned gamer or an emerging leader, this podcast is set to be a game-changer!

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Music by: Joey the Mad Scientist

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, press starters and welcome to the press start leadership podcast, the podcast about game changing leadership, teaching you how to get the most out of your product and development team and become the leader you were meant to be leadership coaching and training for the international game industry professional. Now let me introduce you to your host, the man, the myth, the legend, christopher.

Speaker 2:

Mifsud. Hey there, press starters and welcome back to another awesome edition of the press start leadership podcast. On this week's episode, we'll be discussing, from gamer to leader, harnessing your gaming experience for leadership in the video game industry. Picture this the clock sticking, your hands are sweating, your heart's pounding, but you're exhilarated. You're one step away from the ultimate boss, your nemesis. For the past several levels, you strategized, rallied your team, rebounded for multiple failures and now victory is within reach. Sounds like a typical intense gaming night, right? But what if I told you these adrenaline filled moments are more than just good fun? What if these experiences, honed in the vibrant pixels and polygons of the gaming universe, could serve as the foundation of your leadership skills in the very industry that created these games? As a gamer, you've been unknowingly preparing for leadership in the game development industry. You've learned strategic thinking, teamwork, resilience and empathy. Now it's time to transfer these skills from your virtual battlegrounds to the real world challenges of the video game industry.

Speaker 2:

Strategic thinking Recall the countless times you've had to plan your moves in a game. The strategic decisions made in RPGs like Final Fantasy or Tactical Shooters like Valorant are the stuff of legends. Each decision, each action you took was an exercise in strategic thinking. Little did you know you are already playing the role of a leader, carefully charting your course of action, allocating your resources and making critical decisions that would determine your in-game success or failure. In the gaming industry, this skill is indispensable For managing budgets to scheduling project timelines. Every task requires strategic planning. You'll have to make complex decisions, sometimes with incomplete information, just as in a game of chess. Every move you make will impact the rest of the project. Your opponents might be tight deadlines, technology constraints or budgetary limitations, but with a strategic thinking honed by years of gaming, you'll be prepared to tackle them all. After developing a new game, for instance, it's not unlike planning a quest in an RPG. You need to define the goal, the game's vision, understanding resources, the team's skills and project budget, anticipate challenges, tactical issues, market trends and plan the best course of action for each of the objectives. In this process, you might encounter unforeseen hurdles the key team member might leave or new competitors may emerge, but with your strategic thinking you can plan continuancies, much like preparing backup strategies for an unpredictable game. Boss.

Speaker 2:

The power of teamwork Gamers know it well. Teamwork can be the difference between victory and defeat In team-based games like Overwatch or League of Legends, your success hinges on the effectiveness of your team. You quickly learn that each team member, with their unique set of skills, is crucial for victory. You learn to coordinate to make the most of your team's combined strength and to cover for each other's weaknesses. In the gaming industry, teamwork is just as important, if not more so. The game development project is a massive endeavor and includes a diverse team of programmers, artists, designers, marketers and more, each with a unique set of skills and perspectives. Your role as a leader is to foster collaboration among these desperate talents. Much like coordinating an Overwatch team to take on an opponent, creating a cohesive team requires understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each team member, delegating tasks effectively and fostering open communication. As a leader, you must create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard. This, combined with a clear common goal, can drive your team towards success. For instance, a programmer might come up with a creative solution for a design problem, or a designer might suggest a more efficient coding practice. By encouraging cross-functional collaboration, you can create a more effective and innovative team Building Resilience.

Speaker 2:

How many times have you faced the game over screen only to respawn and try again? These moments of perseverance, this grit that kept you going are manifestations of resilience. You see, every time you fell into a pit in Super Mario, every time you were ambushed to call a duty, you were not only learning the game mechanics, you were building resilience. In the world of game development, challenges are plenty. From bug-fixing marathons to unexpected project cancellations, you will face multiple hurdles. As a leader, your resilience will guide your team through these tough times. You'll set an example for your team, showing them that failure is not the end but just another step in the journey towards success. Imagine this scenario You're leaving the development of a new game, but suddenly a competitor releases a game with a very similar concept. The morale of your team plummets. Here's where your resilience shines through. You gather your team, acknowledge the challenge and brainstorm ways to distinguish your game, to turn this set back into an opportunity. Your team rallies, motivated by your unwavering determination and in the end, you release a game that only stands apart from your competitor but is also better received by the audience.

Speaker 2:

Empathy, understanding Players and Team Members. Gaming is not just about quick reflexes and strategic prowess. It's also about empathy. In narrative-driven games like the Last of Us or Life is Strange, you step into the shoes of characters, understand their struggles and make decisions from their perspective. This ability to understand and share the feelings of others is empathy, and it's a vital leadership skill in the gaming industry. Firstly, empathy helps you understand your players better. By stepping into their shoes, you can create games that resonate with their experiences and preferences, fostering a deeper connection between the player and the game. Secondly, and equally important, empathy is essential in managing your team. Understanding the challenges your team members face, appreciating their efforts and providing support in difficult times can significantly improve team morale and productivity. For instance, a team member might be underperforming due to personal issues. An empathetic leader doesn't just see the dip in performance. They understand the human behind the work, offering support and flexible solutions that not only help the individual but also prevent a potential drop in overall team morale.

Speaker 2:

Final thoughts the journey from a game to a leader in the video game industry might not be as far as you think. The countless hours spent battling bosses, coordinating team attacks and understanding complex game narratives have unknowingly prepared you for leadership in the game industry the strategic thinking honed by planning epic game quests, the teamwork fostered in multiplayer arenas, the resilience built from every game over screen and the empathy developed from understanding diverse game characters. These are the same skills that will make you an effective leader in the gaming industry. So the next time you pick up your controller for a gaming session, remember you're not just a gamer, you're a leader in the making. It's time to level up from being a player in the game to a player in the industry that brings these games to life. Alright, and that's this week's episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast. Thanks for listening and, as always, thanks for being awesome.

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