Press Start Leadership Podcast

Game-Changing Creativity: Injecting Fun into Functional for Unforgettable Video Game Experiences

Press Start Leadership Season 1 Episode 97

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Ready to master the art of striking the perfect balance between delight and functionality in your game development process? Join us on this week's episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast, where we explore the magical world of game-changing creativity! We'll teach you how going beyond the done criteria of your Jira tickets can lead to unforgettable video game experiences that captivate players like never before. Get ready to embark on a whimsical adventure as we inject fun into functional and maybe even put the jolly in Jira ticket.

Listen in as we uncover the secret treasure of player delight and learn how to unleash the power of team creativity. We'll also discuss how to celebrate the glorious rewards that come with prioritizing player delight. By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and inspiration needed to create a gaming experience that's truly memorable and enjoyable for all. So strap on your development armor, grab your trusty keyboard, and join us on this noble quest of putting the fun in functional!

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, press starters and welcome to the press start leadership podcast, the podcast about game changing leadership, teaching you how to get the most out of your product and development team and become the leader you were meant to be leadership coaching and training for the international game industry professional. Now let me introduce you to your host, the man, the myth, the legend, Christopher Mifsud.

Speaker 2:

Hey there, press starters and welcome back to another awesome edition of the press start leadership podcast. On this week's episode, we'll be discussing game changing creativity, injecting fun into functional for unforgettable video game experiences, how going beyond your tickets can transform your game development process and captivate players like never before. When it comes to video game production, we all know that the journey from an idea in our heads to a masterpiece on the screen can be as treacherous as a Dark Souls boss fight. One minute you're confidently dodging obstacles and the next you're face to face with a Jira ticket that reads like a novel. But like any good game, it's all about keeping things fresh and fun. So let's embark on a whimsical adventure and learn how to put the fun in functional and maybe even the jolly in Jira ticket.

Speaker 2:

Chapter one the mysterious world of done criteria. Picture this you're working on your latest gaming masterpiece and you've got a Jira ticket that outlines the done criteria for a feature in your game. You know the drill meet the criteria and you're good to go. But what if he told you that going beyond the done criteria could actually level up your game's fun factor? We're not suggesting you abandon the done criteria altogether. After all, we don't want anarchy in the world of game development. Instead, consider the done criteria as a mere starting point. Think of it as a tutorial level, and now it's time to really dive into the game.

Speaker 2:

Chapter two the secret treasure of player delight. You may have heard of the concept of player delight before. If you haven't, it's time to get acquainted. Player delight is all about creating unexpected moments of joy for your players And, like a hidden Easter egg in your favorite game, it can be the difference between a good game and a great game. Now you might be wondering how exactly to add these delightful surprises to your game. Fear not, dear reader, for we have some tips and tricks up our sleeves to help you on your quest. One think outside the Jira box. As mentioned earlier, done criteria are just the beginning. To truly add delight, you need to think beyond those checkmarks. This might mean brainstorming new ways to interact with objects, creating unique animations or even adding a cheeky line of dialogue. The key here is to let your imagination run wild. You never know what you might come up with.

Speaker 2:

Two embrace the power of iteration. Iteration is a game developer's best friend. Think of it as a never-ending cycle of leveling up. The more you iterate on a feature or mechanic, the more polished and delightful it becomes. So don't be afraid to play tests, gather feedback and make changes. It's all part of the journey to player delight. Three pay attention to the little things. Sometimes it's the smallest details that make the biggest impact. A subtle sound effect, cleverly hidden secret or a sassy NPC These are the things that players will remember and talk about long after they put down the controller. So keep an eye out for opportunities to add these little touches of magic throughout your game.

Speaker 2:

Chapter 3 The Perils of Overloading Your Game. Before we get carried away with player delight, it's worth noting that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Overloading your game with delightful surprises can lead to a cluttered and confusing experience. So, like a skilled gamer carefully managing their inventory, it's important to strike a balance between delight and functionality. A good rule of thumb is to prioritize player delight in areas that won't negatively impact gameplay. For example, you might want to avoid adding a complex mini-game to an already challenging boss fight. Instead, focus on moments where players can pause, explore and appreciate the delightful surprises you've created for them.

Speaker 2:

Chapter 4 A Leashing the Power of Team Creativity Adding player delight in your game is a solo mission. It's a team effort. By fostering a culture of creativity and collaboration within your development team, you can unlock a treasure trove of delightful ideas. 1. Encourage Brainstorming Sessions. Organize regular brainstorming sessions where team members can share their ideas for delightful moments in your game. The more diversity input, the more unique and unexpected the surprises you'll be able to create. Plus, brainstorming is a great way to bond as a team and stay motivated throughout the development process. 2. Empower your team members. Give your team members of freedom and support they need to explore and implement their ideas. This might mean providing additional time and resources or simply offering words of encouragement. The more empowered your team feels, the more likely they are to come up with innovative and delightful ideas. 3. Celebrate successes and learn from mistakes. As with any aspect of game development, adding player delight involves trial and error. Be sure to celebrate your team's successes, but don't be too hard on yourselves when things don't quite go according to the plan. Remember that every mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow as a team.

Speaker 2:

Chapter 5 The Glorious Rewards of Player Delight. So you've gone beyond the done criteria of your Giro Tickets, embraced the power of iteration and cultivated a team of creative wizards. What's the payoff, you ask? Well, my dear listener, the rewards of player delight are numerous and bountiful. 1. Increase player engagement A game that surprises and delights as players is one that keeps them coming back for more. By creating memorable moments, you can increase player engagement and ensure that your game stands out from the crowd. 2. Disappointing words Worthy word of mouth. Players love to share their experiences with others And delightful surprises are the perfect conversation starter. By adding these moments to your game, you can generate buzz and attract new players who are eager to see what all the fuss is about.

Speaker 2:

3. A sense of pride and achievement. Finally, there's an immense satisfaction of knowing that you and your team have created something truly special. By going beyond the done criteria and prioritizing player delight, you can take pride in a job well done and enjoy the fruits of your labor. 4. Final Thoughts The heroic journey of game development. Much like the epic quests and thrilling adventures that define our favorite video games, the journey of game development is one filled with challenges, triumphs and, yes, even a little bit of fun. By going beyond the done criteria of your GERA tickets and focusing on player delight, you can create a gaming experience that is truly memorable and enjoyable for all. So strap on your development armor, grab your trusty keyboard and bark on the noble quest of putting the fun in functional. May the player delight be ever in your favor, brave developer. Alright, that's this week's episode of Press Start Leadership Podcast. Thanks for listening and, as always, thanks for being awesome.

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